Volunteer Sign-up
We greatly depend on our volunteers for this event to run smoothly, so thank you for your interest!
We’d love for you to join us on February 22nd, 2025.
Volunteer Registration Opens January 6th
Anyone 18 years and older is able to volunteer for our Full Tilt Climbing Competition. We will need top-rope belay qualified and lead belay qualified individuals, as well as route judges.
On Saturday, Feb 22nd, we will need volunteers for all three sessions:
Morning Session from 9am-12 pm, Casual and Advanced Divisions
Afternoon Session from 1:30pm-4:30pm, Intermediate and Open Divisions
Evening Clean Up Session from 6pm-8 pm (immediately following finals)
Volunteers can sign up for one, two or all three sessions. If you plan to compete in the morning you will be allowed to volunteer in the afternoon, but NOT vice versa.
Lunch will be provided to those who volunteer in both sessions!
Volunteer Meetings:
All morning and afternoon volunteers will be REQUIRED to attend a volunteer meeting prior to their session to go over competition rules and volunteer assignments.
On Friday, February 21st we will be offering a Volunteer Meeting & Appreciation Event at 6 pm where you will also receive your free volunteer t-shirt the night before the comp and see a sneak peek of the routes! Refreshments and snacks will be provided. Those competing in the morning will not be allowed to attend this event.
If you cannot attend the meeting on Friday night, morning session volunteers will be required to show up at 8am Saturday morning and afternoon volunteers will be required to show up at 12:30pm.