I have never climbed before, do I need to take a class first?
No, we have 38+ Auto Belays that make it easy to walk in without any previous experience and start climbing. Our friendly staff will give you a through gym orientation (5 minute video and staff demonstration) and show you how to work the Auto Belay equipment. Then you are free to climb as much as you would like!
Want to take a class but don’t see a date or time that works for you? Stop by the front desk or give us a call to see about scheduling a class at a time that works for you!
Learn the Ropes
*This class is not recommended if you have never climbed before. We suggest visiting the gym, going through orientation, and getting comfortable with Auto Belays prior to taking this class.
Our Learn the Ropes class is a perfect class for those who have climbed a few times (or a bunch!) and want to advance their climbing knowledge by learning how to top rope belay. Skills learned will include how to fit a harness properly, how to tie in, and how to belay.
We offer 4 Learn the Ropes classes (learn to belay) every month.
This class is FREE for current Roca Members.
For Non-Members, the price of the class includes a FREE 2-week membership (all rental gear included) beginning after your class.
To top rope belay at Roca, you must be 14+ and pass our belay skills check.
For the current schedule and pricing click the button below.
Belayer is holding the rope for the climber
Adult Climbing League
WHAT: A semi-competitive (but not really) 6-week league where teams of two climbers get points for completing routes. The Adult Climbing League is designed to improve your climbing skills and engage in friendly competition with your fellow climbers while building community.
WHO: (Almost) anyone! This league is open to climbers 18 and up. Find a partner or sign-up on your own and get paired with a new friend!
The maximum number of participants is 60 people (30 teams). Single person sign-ups will be closed one week prior to the league start.
WHEN: TBD, 2025
HOW: All teams will be competing for prizes, but we will use a handicap system to create a competitive, yet fair environment for all climbers regardless of experience level. Each climber will determine their starting division based on the highest graded routes that they can comfortably "send" (reach the top of the route without falling).
$$: The entry fee is only $10/person, which will go towards the final prize!
League participation/entry fee does not include climbing day pass or rentals for those without a membership. Not a member but interested in the league? No problem, sign up for an Adult League Membership to gain access to all the perks of a Roca member while participating in Adult League (membership lasts up to the final day of league).
Adult Climbing Team
This is a 5-week program designed for adults (18+) to learn from Roca’s best instructors. Use this class to prep for a comp or as a chance to just improve your climbing training in general. You will learn techniques, climber-specific workouts, injury prevention, and more.
Must be belay checked* by Roca Staff
Must have at least 6 months of previous climbing experience
*If you need a refresher on how to belay, please enroll in one of our Learn the Ropes classes prior to Climb Team. Check out class options here.
There are no Adult Climbing Team offerings at this time. Please check back periodically!
$132 for Non-Members (current non-members will receive a full Roca Membership for the duration of the class, with a special bonus of all rental gear included)
$75 for current Roca Members (must be a current member for the entire duration of the class, or will be required to pay the non-member price)
Weekly schedule for Adult Climb Team:
Week 1: Movement & technique, workout philosophy
Week 2: Theory of warm-up & injury prevention along with a climber-specific focus for your training sessions
Week 3: Training session dynamics
Week 4: Competition preparation & strategy*
Week 5: Competition debrief
*Don’t worry if you are not going to compete in our Full Tilt Competition, as you can still benefit and improve your climbing through the lens of training for a climbing competition.
Lead Climbing Class
Ready to take your climbing skills to the next level? Our lead climbing classes will help you do just that! Lead climbing and belaying is a fun and challenging set of skills that will further your knowledge about climbing and expand the indoor gym terrain available to you and your climbing partners. You will learn skills such as clipping, falling, and managing the rope as a lead belayer in this 3-hour class.
Must be 15+ to enroll in Lead class.
Prior to taking the class, climbers MUST be top-rope belay checked by a Roca Staff
Must be top rope belaying consistently for at least 6 months
Must be able to climb at least a 5.9+
Click button below for current schedule and pricing
Climber is clipping his rope into the carabiner
Technique Classes
Roca’s technique classes are a great way to push past plateaus and improve your climbing. Depending on where you are in your climbing journey, choose one of the following technique classes:
Tech 101-Movement & Technique
This class is ideal for those climbers who just want to learn more about the sport of climbing.
Our instructors will help you feel more comfortable on the wall as your begin to learn the basics of climbing fundamentals.
Techniques learned will include footwork, basic training & rest principles, body positioning, and movement.
Tech 201- Strength Training for Climbing
If you are an advanced climber who wants to start pushing higher grades, this is the class for you.
This 2-hour class will cover the importance of body mechanics, variety of movement, and strength training principals to enhance your climbing techniques & skills.
Tech 301-Advanced Technical Outdoor Skills
In order to take these classes, you should have experience climbing outdoors, be able to comfortably lead climb route of 5.9+ (at least 6+ months of climbing), and confidently lead belay (at least 6+ months of experience).
Classes and Clinics that we offer include rappelling, anchor building, multi-pitch climbing, self-rescue, big wall climbing and more!
These classes do not appear regularly on our class schedule, but can be scheduled at a time that works for you. If you would like to book any of our technique classes, please stop by the front desk, give us a call at 507-218-1500, or email us at info@climbroca.com. Classes must be booked 3 weeks in advance.
You must have at least two participants for us to schedule a class. Please click the buttons below to explore already scheduled classes and pricing.